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이름김기범 직급교수
학위플로리다대 기계공학 박사 전공레이저 분광법, 태양열 에너지
연락처043-261-2446 이메일kimkb11@chungbuk.ac.kr
연구실E8-7동 219호 홈페이지


  • 2006.10~2007.9: Sandia National Lab. Post Doctoral Fellow
  • 2008.2 ~2011.1: 한양대학교 공과대학 기계공학과, BK 연구조교수
  • 2011.3 ~ 현재: 충북대학교 기계공학부

연구 분야 : 내연기관, 신재생에너지, 미래형자동차, CO2 Conversion


연구 실적 :

  • 1. Kyungwook Choi, Kibum Kim, and Kihyung Lee, "Effect of the heat exchanger in the waste heat recovery system on a gasoline engine performance", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 229(4), 506-517 (2015)
  • 2. Kibum Kim, Kyungwook Choi, Youngjin Kim, Ki-hyung Lee and Kwan-soo Lee, "Feasibility Study on A Novel Cooling Technique Using A Phase Change Material in An Automotive Engine", Energy. 35, 478-484 (2010)
  • 3. Kibum Kim, Nathan Siegel, Greg Kolb, Vijayarangan Rangaswamy, and Samir F Moujaes, "A study of solid particle flow characterization in solar particle receiver", Solar Energy. 83 1784-1793 (2009)
  • 4. K.B. Kim, K.A. Masiello, D.W. Hahn, "Reduction of Soot Emissions by Iron Pentacarbonyl in Isooctane Diffusion Flame", Combustion and Flame. 154, 164-180 (2008)