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이름신종호 직급교수
학위서울대 기계항공공학 박사 전공로보틱스, 동역학 및 제어
연락처043-261-2447 이메일jshin@chungbuk.ac.kr
연구실E8-7동 222호 홈페이지



2011.08~2012.03: 연구원, 로막스테크놀로지

2012.04~2019.02: 선임연구원, 국방과학연구소

2019.03~현재: 충북대학교 기계공학부


연구분야: 자율차량/드론, 기계학습, 비선형제어


1. Jongho Shin, Kiho Kwak, Suseong Kim and H. Jin Kim, ``Adaptive range estimation in perspective vision system using neural networks,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 23, No.2, 2018, pp. 972-977. 


2. Jongho Shin, ``Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for a Hypersonic Aircraft Using Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 53, No. 5, 2017, pp. 2277-2289. 


3. Jongho Shin, Dong Jun Kwak, and Young-il Lee, ``Adaptive path following control for an unmanned surface vessel using an identified dynamic model,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22, No.3, 2017, pp. 1143-1153. 


4. Jongho Shin, Seungkeun Kim and Antonios Tsourdos, `` Neural-networks-based adaptive control for an uncertain nonlinear system with asymptotic stability,” International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2018, Vol. 16, pp. 1989-2001. 


5. Jongho Shin, Jinwook Huh and Yongwoon Park, ``Asymptotically stable path following for lateral motion of an unmanned ground vehicle,” IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 40, No. 7, 2015, pp. 102-112.
